4 "Bands" That Are Really Just One Dude


What if I told you that some of your favorite bands are in fact just one dude? There are several solo music projects touring with full bands, but a single person does the vast majority of the legwork back in the studio. Here are a few “bands” with lineups a bit smaller than you were expecting.

1. Five for Fighting

In spite of the misleading band name, Vladimir John Ondrasik III is in fact the sole member of Five for Fighting. The artist’s name comes from a term used for a major fighting penalty in hockey. Next time “100 Years” comes over the radio, you officially have two fun facts to pull out of your pocket.

2. Kishi Bashi

Kishi Bashi is somewhat of a musical magician. Not only are his concerts sublime, but his creativity is out of this world. On stage he loops his violin, plays an electric piano, and beatboxes with exquisite precision. Even though he has a band backing him on stage, his first album, 151a, was a solo job. While he gets some assists from musical comrades, the work he took on himself for this project is truly impressive. Check out the full list of credits for the album here.

3. Radical Face

It’s amazing how much music can come from one person. After releasing 5 albums and 7 EPs, Radical Face, AKA Ben Cooper, is a tour de force in producing folk music with meaning. He is adept at creating creative percussion and purposeful lyrics, dedicating an entire three-album arc to his family history, with each song telling a unique story. Not many people can pull this off, but Ben Cooper accomplished it effortlessly.

4. The Gorillaz

What is most likely the only animated band you are a fan of today, The Gorillaz is the brainchild of Blur’s front man, Damon Albarn. While the fictional band has four members, each with fully developed stories and personalities, the only real-life musician is Damon. So check out Blur and be floored by how a unique project like The Gorillas could come from the British-indie-rock side of the musical spectrum.


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