Requisite Moping Tunes


Breakups are never easy. This playlist is dedicated to those who need some time to get over someone.  People often say that dwelling on those feelings of hurt, betrayal, despair, and sadness and melancholy are not productive, but we both know that it’s not true. It important to feel and understand those emotions so that you can move forward. Requisite Moping Tunes is here for you, to give you other voices who are going through something just like you. 

"Selfless, Cold and Composed" by Ben Folds
This list starts with a classic in my books, ‘Selfless, Cold and Composed’ by Ben Folds. Using his trademark writing ability and tremendous piano-playing, Ben paints a picture of a breakup where he feels as if he is the only one hurt or affected by it, and struggles with the calm attitude of the other.

"Maybe Sprout Wings" by Mountain Goats
Later on, ‘Maybe Sprout Wings’ by the Mountain Goats describes another phase in post-breakup grief. Plagued by nightmares and a lack of purpose, front man John Darnielle captures the quiet but debilitating sadness that comes from when someone important to you is no longer a part of your life.

"Bad Day" by Darwin Deez
The finale of the playlist ends on a much more upbeat tone than the previous two hours. Darwin Deez’s ‘Bad Day’ is a bright and funny take on thoughts had about an ex he doesn’t see in the best light. The lyrics are a list of inconvenient still damaging misfortunes he wants to befall the antagonist; Highlights of these events include getting locked out of their apartment, the last page of their novel being lost, and even becoming their garbage man so Darwin never has to pick up their trash again.

Whatever the flavor of your emotional distress, Requisite Moping Tunes has something for everyone… Except you Kris, there’s nothing here for your cheating face.


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