Andrew Bird Just Released Your New Favorite Study Album
As the newest installment in Andrew Bird's ongoing series, Echolocations: River brings the veteran whistler/violinist to the underside of the Glendale Hyperion Bridge on the Los Angeles River. In this site-specific album, Bird has crafted eight songs to take full advantage of the atmospheric setting with tracks that bring a distinct sense of calm and meditation.
In addition to some impressive looping and intricate composition, Bird manages to make callbacks and breathe new life into past works. You will recognize the melody of "Roma Fade" as the driving force behind the track "Gypsy Moth," making this newest record feel somewhat familiar to any Andrew Bird fan.
So throw on your nicest pair of ear-buds and dissolve into this delightfully reverberating work of violin magic. When you're done with your first listen, be sure to make a visit to his first "echolocation" for more.